All the freaky people make the beauty of the world...all those lovely freaks and weirdos... (Michael Franti)
Womon loving womyn, old school radical feminist, sexy and s----l, embodiment, fighting all the "isms" and oppressions--of people, animals and the earth (VEGAN here--maybe you lean this way too?)...impeccable honesty and ethics, communication, vulnerability, gentleness and passion, edgy--bad girl, piercings and tattoos (in relative moderation), power play-switch with bouts of vanilla tendencies, butchey femme or femmey butch (depending on where you fall--and it is all good!), nature loving hippie at heart and in values, wild and free, did I say vegan?!, mindfulness, agnostic, thinking,, Indigo Girls, dancing, tantra, presence, kindness...skepticism/NY sensibility, non-conformist, funkyish, living outside the box, not just thinking, self-awareness, strength and self assurance, sense of humor (important!)..always growing and challenging myself...find discomfort interesting and something to learn from... uh-oh, i am starting to write full sentences! must be time to be done.

40 something but youthful, at the same time making peace with this aging thing that i believe we fight too hard against in this culture... (the tyranny of youth is just that)...
please be womon born womon only (no offense, just what works for me), willing to drive and would hope you would be too, for the right connection. change the subject line to anything you want, but do change it so that i know you aren't spam.
send me lots of words about yourself!
take care.