I'm excited I found this site! There is always that choice of whether or not to be with an "ethical eater". So I, like yourself, have chosen to raise the standards. Let's pat ourselves on the back!

Now, I'm a thriving vegan and have experienced a heep of health benefits! Haven't we all?

I'm a business owner of 12 yrs & former competitive swimmer for United States Swimming for 20+ yrs. I went from being a sprinter to now a distance swimmer. Swimming 200 laps in 2 hours 3x/wk and hiking or the gym 2x/wk. I'm a work in progress like the rest of us and I have goals that I have my mind set on (ask if you are interested)

* Know thyself. You have to work on you. There is no better investment than in yourself.
* What you do in private, shows in public.
* Integrity in the mind. Authentic character. Ethical habits.
* No animal needs to die in order for me to live.
* The truth is still the truth even if 1% is doing it. A lie is still a lie even if 99% are doing it.
* People want to hear good things about their bad habits.
* Come as 1, and stand as 1,000.
* You are the only cause of your success. Spend your time wisely building YOUR life.
* As long as you are going to think anything, think big!
* Learn to understand the art of communication.
* The degree of vulnerability impresses. Everyone wants to feel validated. They want to know "Did you hear me?" and "Did what I say matter?".
* You'll never know what's possible, unless you're willing to explore the unknown.
* You are today where your thoughts have brought you.