I've been vegan since April 1st of 2014. I came upon the lifestyle while searching for a healthy way to lose weight and feel good about myself. I now also am vegan for ethical reasons, which I learned about soon after becoming vegan.
I generally eat high-carb, low-fat vegan food, but I don't mind indulging every once in a while on fattier treats like hummus.
I have yet to meet another vegan, so I feel rather isolated. I hope to build a great relationship with another vegan: someone I can eat with without that "you're eating THAT" look in his/her eyes, someone who empathizes with my concern about the well-being of animals. Basically, someone I can feel totally comfortable with, as a friend or otherwise.
I am a first-year college student studying biomedical science. In my free time, I enjoy cooking new vegan recipes, eating the results of this cooking, listening to music (rock, hip hop, electronic... any genre, really), and dabbling in drawing. I also love biking, but my bike is in need of repair at the moment.

Thanks for reading, and "may your bananas always be ripe."