I work for myself and no, I don't do some work-from-home internet scheme. Guess again!

I own and operate two businesses in Richmond, a third in Virginia Beach, and I'm planning a fourth! Things have really taken off this past year, and I feel very fortunate.
I love what I do and I enjoy being able to provide a living for several people. I only wish I could assist everyone whose come to me looking for work.
Even though I have a lot on my plate, things have calmed down and I am trying to make an effort to start dating. Bars are just not my thing, which is why I'm here. I'm hoping to find somebody that I can connect with, consider a best friend, and hopefully end up in a lasting relationship with. I'm not big on playing games and appreciate people who are straightforward and to the point and would expect the same in return.
I'm very much an explorer. I'll go as far as the road will take me and hope to gain as much wisdom as it'll allow.
One of my favorite quotes is, "It is wiser to find out than suppose" - Mark Twain
I'm also a man who is confident enough to admit he has a penchant for art, design shows, HGTV, and even shopping for furniture.
I’ll blame those indulgences on my mother, who was an art teacher at one time in her life.

As far as why I'm here on this website.. about two years ago I decide to become vegan for health reasons. I really enjoy many vegan dishes but find dating is sometimes difficult since eating can be a very social thing and being vegan puts me in a small category. I hope to meet other vegans here.