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Not losing as much weight as I thought I would as a vegan.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Not losing as much weight as I thought I would as a vegan.

I have been vegan for a year now, I work out 4-5xs a week (bike, weights and rowing) am fairly active, always take the stairs etc, watch my portions (my enough appearantly) and still haven't lost much weight. I am a strict vegan with the exception of honey. I am just curious if anyone has any thoughts to share or is in a similar situation.
Thanks, Jeff

Peace, love, love joy or at least tryin' as much as I can in those directions.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: vegan and sports

maybe your body's still adjusting to the change in food intake. i've been vegetarian for a year (i didn't lose a pound) and a vegan for 8 months now. i lost weight when i did some triathlon training (i only say triathlon because i swim, bike and run).

allow your body to adjust. be patient.

why, btw, did u become vegan in the first place?

parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme..
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December 29, 2007
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Some little things that may help...
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From my itty-bitty experience, I have seen the weight thing get curbed by doing 2 things strictly (in addition to a vegan diet)...nothing with sugar (so NO typical sodas, candies, etc.) and no white flower products. And hopefully you don't eat anything from fast-food restaurants either. If there is room for making more changes like these, you should consider them seriously to get to a desirable and healthier weight.

Also, you can do something thats very effective like organic juice fasting for a couple weeks or raw food fasting. They work very well too.

Best of luck and happy new year!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

.I completely agree with this! I also notice a difference when I substitute whole wheat bread with organic sprouted corn tortillas. The simplicity of those tortillas make them easy for me to digest without feeling so stuffed. Perhaps it's the yeast in bread that also makes it more filling...? I also agree about eating more raw and JUICING too! You can get really creative with juicing combinations and it's a great way to get all those nutrients in a delicious and easy way.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Your an idoit,, like really you should not go vegan to lose weight, in general when you become vegan and continue eatting the same ammount of food that you would before you will gain weight, because you are getting less protien. Being vegan is not about weight its about the animals, and earth. If you became vegan for that reason, you really need to re-think that. I am vegan and have been vegan for 5 years, i am very healthy, and have been at a stable weight 5'2 110 and 14% body fat, with recently check blood test in with all protein levels and iron levels are good This is because i eat right, and exersize. That is the key, not vegan, eatting right, if you want to lose weight, look at what your eatting and when, your diet, and exersize levels, work with your doctor to make sure your getting what you need in your diet. that is how you will lose weight.

-Adrian jane.
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January 13, 2008
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`Seriously, if you're going to insult someone, it helps to spell the insult properly (and maybe spell check the whole post), otherwise you're the one who will look like an "idoit". Literacy's not just for meat-eaters.

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June 20, 2008
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`Also- just because something is vegan, i doesn't necesarilly follow that it is healthy. Frying food doesn't help if you're aiming to lose weight. I would suggest a healthy vegan diet comprised mainly of plants but making sure to get daily intake of healthy fats (small portions of nuts/olive oil), lean protein (beans, tofu, tempeh), and complex carbs (whole grain tortillas, brown rice). Stay away from fattening sauces and dressings, and as it has already been mentioned, sugar. Good luck!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`not putting a downer on your situation, but I did know someone who went vegan not just for the ethics, but in hope that it improved her weight and she didn't lose anything! She lived a fairly healthy lifestyle, probably didn't exercise - it may have helped if she did...

So I wouldn't count on the diet changing this for you. If it's a real concern why don't you seek specialist nutrition advice?

Also, is your weight actually fat? Have you had your muscle to fat ratio measured? It may just be muscle if you are doing heavy weights at low reps that build your body up.

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July 31, 2008
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`I agree that loss of weight should not be the reason to go vegan. I have been a vegan for 25 years and my weight has not changed much. I am only concerned with my health and fitness. I still run/jog 25-30 miles a week. I have never seen a doctor in 25 years but for annual check-up only. Of course, vegans eat less but ideal protein both in quality and quantity. Curiously, it is the animals that eat vegetation that weigh tons from eating better quality protein!

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August 4, 2008
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`I have been a vegetarian for over ten years and just recently started veganism again (- fell off the wagon after about one year several years ago). I find that it isn't what you eat, but how you eat it. I have had a lot of success with food combining. The research that I have done indicates that a quick exit approach is best for losing weight. To do so, you must eat raw veggies with all meals and do not combine all of the foods together, for instance if you are going to eat nuts, only eat nuts with veggies. Don't eat anything with fruit, and only eat veggies with carbs. It allows the enzymes in your stomach to digest easier and you end up storing a lot less fat and in turn burning fat in the process.

The other huge thing-- No more white flour, sugar, processed and refined foods, and soft drinks.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: Not losing as much weight as I thought I would as a vega

Hi Dear! I know you are facing some trouble due to weight but Dear i would like to share some personal knowledge as weight concern. There is two type of fatness, One gets natural and second one gets bye badly fooding.i have been here for last six month with vegan but nothing to get here.some of my friend suggest me this site and here i also want to suggest same ,
Just wanted to let you guys know about (removed), a free fitness tracking site that also helps track your diet, nutrition, exercises, daily activities, and much more that will help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals.

Online calorie counter
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former member default image - bird flying away

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`45% fruit 45% vegies leafy greens remove toxins(chewed or blended) (the leafy fiber does the absorbing) and the excess of sugars from the fruit and the fruit make the leafy greens more palatable. 10% nuts, grains, herbs, seeds, oils, avocado. curezone has a host of details to write about.

Fruits are high vibe, herbs balancing, roots grounding.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Surely it doesnt really matter why someone goes vegan so long as they stop killing animals?I know its abit annoying but at least its 1 less piglet off to market x
I take Sea Kelp,a digestive aid and find i can pretty much eat fairly normally and my weight isnt too bad.Its a natural supplement a bit like sea weed and its fairly cheap and it comes in a vegan capsule too!

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April 16, 2006
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`I've been a vegan for more than 12 years. Since i've been on a vegan diet, i've become really thin but dont fall ill as much as i used to. I think it's the hormones in the animal feeds that make me have the occasional headaech. Now i dont eat meat, i dont get the hormones into my body so i dont get the headaech as often as i used to. I think all those who are obese should go on a vegan diet- they can eat as much fruit and vegetable as they want and cant put on weight

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