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Blood Test

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June 20, 2008
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Earlier this summer my hypochondriac mother (non-vegan and confused by my lifestyle change) requested that I get checked out by a dr. to make sure I was healthy. If anything, I was expecting possible low levels of B12 or iron, and instead the results showed a low blood cholesterol. I have been reading about it and it doesn't seem like a real health concern unless brought about by a disease. Does anyone have thoughts about this? I try to avoid oils unless going out to eat. I know people swear by olive oil but doesn't the heat ruin the heart healthy omegas? Should I just eat more almonds? Haha looking forward to your replies!

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July 24, 2008
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`Hi Sharon,
In the "China Study" by T. Colin Campbell, he talks about how in countries where most people are Vegans there cholesterol levels don't even make into the "normal" range established in the US where almost all health studies are done with people who are or who have eaten animal products. This is a great book to read if you want to validate your decision to be a Vegan. If you do not wnat to be a Vegan don't read this book.


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October 7, 2009
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`Olive oil is healthy, no reason to avoid it, and for omega 3, linum seeds are very good (and apparently, heat does not destroy omega 3).

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`Fresh ground flax and Hemp are high in omega 3 this is good to balance the olive oil high in omega 6. Miracle of coconut oil is a good read with studies of islander peoples living on as much as 50% of their diet. Vegans do usually have lower cholesteral, some as low as children even when they are in elderly years.

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`Hi,not that i am an expert but my advice would maybe to take a vegan supplement,just for vegans ,especially if u only recently became vegan.These give u all the vitamins etc etc most vegans miss most. Thers loads of healthy stuff u cud eat,but i am a man so i am unable to perform miracles in the kitchen.Apparently there are lots of things u should eat as a vegan 2 be healthy but its harder than it sounds,but compared to a carnivourous diet i dont think we should worry too much.You certainly look very healthy anyway.P.s Tripod is cute.

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October 30, 2011
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`Chia seeds and Spirulina are some good super foods to keep in mind if your worried about omega 3s and proper nutrients. Personally, I wouldn't worry about the low cholesterol. Avocado's are also good, they provide good fats.

I'm not an expert, but I've been studying nutrition in my free time.

Olive oil is healthy, when you follow the serving size. As it is still an oil, which is fat, most people don't follow serving size, which is about 2 table spoons.

Forks over knives is also a good book, and it mentions the china study, which I want to read.

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