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 saucypup (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Vegan Painkillers??? |
I have been having back pain of recent, in fact i am in agony, but have been unable to find a suitable 'untested on animals' painkiller.This is a moral issue with me but i am surprised theres nothing whatsoever available,does anyone know of one thats available,other than 'herbal type' remedies?i would be grateful.
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 yogaknight (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`youngliving has PANaway essential oil combo.
In a pinch you can use ghee or coconut to simmer up whole cloves.. apply oil to site.
Eating a rose petal can lower general pain a point or 2.
What is your pain suspected from. Is your vegan diet RAW... if not make it more raw.. make own freah apple and bannana sauce. and wrap in leafy greens you like.
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 saucypup (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Thanks very much for that Yoga knight,i will try to give it ago.A physio said some back muscles had 'given way' due to me not sitting upright but i dont trust doctors any further than i could throw them.
I dont really eat Raw generally,its something i wish i could do but its hard enough keeping up a vegan diet as a single bloke on a low wage living in a city thats still in the dark ages!I am aware of some of the horrid things that go on in mass produced stuff.i was sickened and horrified to discover that white sugar is bleached using cows bones?!!!?!Can u believe that.a well kept secret indeed.Now i use brown sugar which is a step i guess.i dont really cook,which is a bad example i know ,it tends to be pasta or tinned stuff or ready made type stuff really.Cooking isnt my Forte.Thanx again,chris
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 yogaknight (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: sugar, gardens, agenda |
Brown sugar is white sugar with caramel coloring mostly, another ploy by greed companies with wicked men and there think tanks doing everything in their power to get simple folk to subsribe to punishing earth & themselves without their informed consent.
Beyondtreason. com , vaccine nation, vaccine agenda, Leonard Horowitz material are examples. The best way to deal with this is calm cool collect like Ghandi + Srila Prabhupada and others. Grow our own food and spread the SeedBalls everywhere we can. Biodynamic Permaculture sepp holzer, viktor Schauberger, Steiner techniques.
Back to sugar, Srila Prabhupada stated Gur, Jaggery, sugar is one of the best, packed with minerals it is made from palm or cane crops. Most indian stores have it and shop around till you find one you like... they are always different, always tasty, great for offering. Raw organic vegan honey... where bees treated nicely.. in future more people will have their own TopBar beehives and be in harmony. Vegans that choose to be hard core and beat down on others are no different than the JAINS of the past and still kicking around.
Essene Gospel of Christ clearly outlines Genesis Garden of Eden original diet prescribed by the ultimate physician God who walked throught the Garden of Eden and calling for him. God = no one equal to or better than, can appear anywhere He please. Milk, honey, fruits, nuts, grains etc ok..
Meat was a after flood consession for times of duress, not a standard. You know trouble makers though... pushing the limit to get others involved to make it appear normal and acceptable.
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Joined: October 21, 2011
Posts: 6
Posted: Post subject: Re: Painkillers |
Pain is usually a sign that something is wrong. If you are experiencing back pain, something structurally could be wrong. In addition to eating your anti-inflammatories (fresh onions, garlic, ginger, leafy greens, etc.) it might be good to seek out a deep tissue massage (to help relax those tight and strained muscles) and some safe exercises to stregnthen those muscles so they can be more supportive of your back.
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 saucypup (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Re: sugar, gardens, agenda |
Wow u seem to be well informed!!!!Many many thanks,its a real comfort to know there are people like u who care AND have intelligence.Thanks.
Cool calm and collected eh?hahaa i will try!!!
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 saucypup (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Re: Painkillers |
Hi,thanks,again i tend to not cook much and probably not as healthy as i should and could.I dont know why really ...But yeah something definately wrong,i guess its gonna be another trip 2 the doctor .
I saw a physio and tried some exercises but it didnt help much.I have been wearing a Nike sport back support which has helped a lot.It was a general question really though as its easier for me when i get a headache to swallow a painkiller than cook a meal if u know what i mean,but thanks.
shame someone doesnt produce a vegan painkiller it wud be appreciated no doubt by many.
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Joined: October 21, 2011
Posts: 6
Posted: Post subject: Re: Vegan Painkillers |
Wonderful I am glad it was helpful. I hope your back does feel better. Sometimes it may take some time to help your back as there is a circuit of muscles trying to balance things out. When there is something wrong with one (or a few), the other muscles may try to over compensate thus leading to pain. If you are unable to get a massage, you can try different stretches or soft balls to roll under your back to help the healing. I wish you the best.
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Joined: October 21, 2011
Posts: 6
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`Soon I am going to put a post up for a common cold/flu remedy I found. I hope to post it soon.
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 janeswomb (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`hi chris,
Aren't OTCs vegan? So is morphine if you need serious stuff. I've tried birch tree bark (from english lady white birch and russian birch--has salycites) and skunk cabbage root (nervous system function). I thought it did "something" but wasn't sure what. Menthol or mint can help with inflammation. Licorice root is good for low blood pressure, astragalus is good for colds, capsascin good for inflammation. I think saffron in larger amounts would be good but it's expensive. horsetail and boneset are supposed to be good for bones. I don't really know though. It was a pain to peel off birch and I felt sorry for the tree so I bought OTCs. I didn't know about white sugar...seriously? one more thing to let go. the more you know...i don't feel legal about veganism but i'm trying it all-out. anyway, off the top of my head, those natural things are some ideas. i haven't tried goldenseal and bilberry yet.
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