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Vegetarian & Vegan Passions have too limited search

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October 15, 2006
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Vegetarian & Vegan Passions have too limited search
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I have trouble finding people here, because though there are few vegans in the world, the site limits the search area. I grew up in the UK and USA, so would like to search around the world. It seems like a better option for most vegans (I do not know if they would want to search as far as me.) It would be great to upgrade the search for the world instead of adding all these other often useless things and extra sites not many people will want. Adding all these sites is another way that divides the members of the Passions Network, sort of like restricting the search area and making it hard for minorities like vegans does here--the administrators could just add these all as search options, but I suppose getting results in search engines is a good idea and also draws people to the main sites, on the other hand. However, I think spending time adding often useless things (e.g. most stuff that can go in your description, and some 'upgrades') is why sites like the two largest free dating sites may be doing better. I still think Vegetarian & Vegan Passions are among the top six free vegetarian personals sites, but all of them seem only moderately well-implemented at best. The other free ones are small and far down the results in search engines. Of course, most of the rest are run by dedicated vegans that know why you should not limit the search area.

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Posted:     Post subject: Limited search for veggies.

I know what you mean! But it's the same on all veggie sites.

I've been on a number of veggie sites for years and it seems like I'm invisible!!
It has nothing to do with the profile; I'm just not viewed...

Also I've seen the same members over and over again that have been on veg sites for over 10 years; I mean something has to change here!

When 2 souls are meant to be together, distance doesn't matter.
It's ok if my soul mate lives on the other end of the world...


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