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Raising kids as Vegans illegal? (or my teachers on something

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Raising kids as Vegans illegal? (or my teachers on something

Ok Random question,
My biology teacher (who told us on our first day this Monday that everything ue said was fact) told is that its illegal to raise your kids as vegan in the united states. While he agrees the ban should be lifted when I asked him where he got this info he told me to look it up as its been illegal since the 1800's. Ok i did a quick search on yahoo and went 4 pages back and found squat about the said "fact". So im asking if anyone knows about this was the law repealed if there was one? Or is my teacher is just highly uninformed and a moron. (so far he's an idiot.)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I am from the uk,but I am 99% certain that there was never any such law,he is probably just winding you up.There have been a few cases in the USA where vegan babies and children have died,though there illness was nothing to do with being vegan,the ignorant masses are only too quick to attribute it to veganism.
The only sad thing is that among vegans as with all other people there are a few who do not give their children adequate nutrition,more from ignorance than anything else,and rather than criticising,the relevent authorities would be better off investing their time in education on nutrition.
One thing that has always amused me in the UK,is that people on a lower income are given healthy start vouchers to buy fruit,vegetables and milk,not Meat,which in itself says something I guess.
Looks like your teacher is an uninformed moron and an Idiot;-).

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Thank you Crazycait ^_^

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Posted:     Post subject:

`yeah that's pretty ridiculous they cant make a law with prejudice against a diet preference... how is he a bio teacher??

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Posted:     Post subject:

`There isn't any law against it, but anyone who thinks differently that is lower-income (for any reason) is going to be prejudiced against for doing anything that threatens a plutocracy. The plutocracy believes only the rich, who intend to stay rich and powerful, have rights to educate and their feed their children to be brighter than their own kids. It is anti-competition, not concern about kids. If the country cared about kids, they wouldn't have children on soy milk which reduces fertility for both sexes and increases androgens and breast growth in boys.

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Posted:     Post subject:

``Just think, you could have your child on birth control from infancy (which is what soy does--it acts as a form of birth control which means it alters natural hormone cycles).

This is why I chose to breastfeed and then I switched to raw non-homeogenized organic whole milk. Kids need the fat, but they need good fats.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I guess I should say, that was before I was vegan. I had planned to breastfeed longer than I did even then but now that I'm vegan, my solution for vegan-raised kids would be to breastfeed them as long as possible or is comfortable, and then switch to a more balanced diet which would include fats, and other milks besides soy milk (which they don't have to have all the time, although is fine in small amounts). You don't want to screw with developing hormones. There are all kinds of ways to make your own milk and even add DHA (algal sources) to it.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

``I guess I should say, that was before I was vegan. I had planned to breastfeed longer than I did even then but now that I'm vegan, my solution for vegan-raised kids would be to breastfeed them as long as possible or is comfortable, and then switch to a more balanced diet which would include fats, and other milks besides soy milk (which they don't have to have all the time, although is fine in small amounts). You don't want to screw with developing hormones. There are all kinds of ways to make your own milk and even add DHA (algal sources) to it.

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